Elephants At Tennessee Sanctuary Celebrate Easter With Egg Hunt

Photo: Getty Images

Who said Easter egg hunts are just for people? As it turns out, even elephants enjoy searching for hidden treasures.

The Elephant Sanctuary's Africa Barn in Hohenwald, Tennessee, shared some photos of the animals searching for "eggs" on Easter (April 17), per News Channel 5. The cute pics were posted on the sanctuary's Facebook page, showing the elephants picking up "eggs" made of ice and fruit along a path that led to the bigger surprise: large woven wooden baskets filled with their favorite foods.

"Enrichment like this encourages the elephants to make use of their habitat space to discover new things (in this case, a frozen treat)," the post states. "The eggs led them to the main event, which was an elephant-sized Easter basket that Sanctuary Volunteers handmade out of donated grape vines. Each elephant pick out her favorite produce before snacking on the edible basket."

Check out photos from the "egg hunt" below.

In addition to the egg hunt, the baskets included treats like hay, bamboo, fruit and orange peels shaped into eggs as well as another basket of sweet potatoes stuffed with blueberries, apples, lily flowers and grain that were stained with beet juice to make it pink and festive.

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