Did you know that you could be missing out on some free money? Each state has a website for residents to search for lost money that may be owned to them. The unclaimed property may be the result of a business, government office, or other source that owes you money that you haven't yet collected, according to the U.S. Government website.
Unclaimed property can come in many forms, including checking and savings accounts, stocks, payroll checks, refunds, contents of safe deposit boxes, and more.
So how can people find their missing money?
Residents of Tennessee can simply go to ClaimItTN.gov, search their name or business, and scroll through the names to see if they have any unclaimed property or cash. Those who have moved from one state to another can also use multi-state database missingmoney.com.
According to the state's website, there is more than $976 million in Tennessee's unclaimed property fund. The Tennessee Treasury collects millions of dollars in unclaimed property each year, and aims to return the properties to their owners across the state through various outreach efforts.
"It is rewarding each time we are able to return unclaimed property to the families and individuals across our great state," said Treasurer David H. Lillard, Jr. "From our website to our many outreach events, we strive to make the entire unclaimed property process as easy as possible to reunite Tennesseans with their unclaimed property."
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